Saturday, May 28, 2022

 In light of what has happened this week in Texas, I would like to post my statement from social media. May those children sleep safe now. Jason and I truly send our love to all those families effected by this horiffic tragedy. 

I have lived a million lives. I have victoriously battled for the heart of Hogwarts, and fought the Balrog. I have scaled the fences of the Capulet's defences, and crawled through 500 yards of crap in Shawshank prison to come out clean on the other side.
I have climbed the heights of Mount Olympus, fought along side DemiGods and monsters. From the Underworld to Ogygia, I have seen heros and heritics fall. I worshiped in the temple of Artemis and have begged the Queen of the Heavens for mercy. for my misgivings. I have celebrated life and death at Camps Jumpiter and Half-Blood. All the while never forgetting to let my conscience by my guide.
I've visited worlds beyond our borders, and learned so much along the way. I know never to panic and the answer to life, universe and everything is 42. I know “Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he's losing; nobody wants you to quit when you're ahead.”(Jackie Robinson). But I also learned there's no crying in baseball!
I've been locked in towers, lost some footwear and climbed beanstalks into the sky. I've seen Princes and Paupers, scullary maids and footmen. I've met wolves who smile and pigs who hold office. I've tasted the roof from a gingerbread house and lived to tell the tale.
Most importantly, Ive been places some people only dream of. I've been to Manderley, Westeros, Tatooine, Middle Earth and Narnia. I've flown past Mermaid Cove via the Second Star to the right, I've been whisked away by tornados and won golden tickets in my youth. Hours of my life were wasted in Wonderland which was only accessible through the mirror in the Enchanted Forest.
Though with great adventure comes great heartache. I was there when the last ALWAYS was whispered. When cries of Piertotum Locomotor echoed through the night. When Khal Drogo took his final breath and the mother of Dragons was born, I was there. When Beth March closed her eyes for the final time, I cried next to Jo. I awaited outcomes from 12 Angry men, and hoped that Scout would set Tom free.
But throughout all these lives, none have ever broken my heart or made me feel as angry as I do about this atrocity in Texas. These lands I've seen will never been visited by those children now., They will never get to feel the happiness of being a Gryffindor or holding on to "my prescious". Seems to me i've lived a thousand lives, and they haven't gotten to even live one. Everyone is so hell bent on banning books, and taking away the sense of awe and amazement they bring you, but no one's taking away what can kill you.
So from the shores of Terabithia, to the districts of Panam and beyond, ask yourself. Isn't it better to make it harder for underage or unstable charecters to get firearms then it is to get Beowolf?
“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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